IndexCampus Hours topIMPORTANT - Parents may not interrupt classroom instruction. Instruction begins at 8:10 a.m. All messages, lunches, homework, etc., after instruction begins are to be brought directly to the office. Students will be given the message or item during recess periods. All parents, visitors, or guests must sign in with the secretary in the main office and receive a school badge. Students who must leave early are to be checked out by a parent in the office. Please do not go directly to your child's classroom. The teacher will be called from the office after you have signed the student out.Playground supervision is provided between 7:55 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. daily. Students should not arrive on campus before that time. Students are expected to play on the blacktop areas before school. All students should be picked up promptly after 2:50 p.m. dismissal. (On Fridays, students eating lunch MUST be picked up NO LATER THAN 12:30 p.m.) Office Information topOffice Hours are 7:45 - 3:45 daily. Our school number is 510-582-4207. Please use this number to access the school's voice mailbox where messages regarding a student's absence can be left.The phone in the school office is reserved for emergency phone calls only. Students may not use the phone to call for forgotten homework, forgotten lunches, arrange after-school activities, etc. Please make sure that your child comes to school prepared. Message delivery to students will be limited to emergencies only. We will not interrupt classes and students' instructional time with messages regarding forgotten lunches, homework, car pools, after-school activities, etc. Remember, messages delivered to classrooms interrupts everyone's learning time. Tardiness topTardy students must report to the office for a tardy slip before reporting to class. We urge all parents to strive for promptness so that each child may start off his/her day at school on a positive note. After 5 tardies, parents/principal will be notified in writing.Reporting Absences topSchool attendance is compulsory under state law. Regular attendance is essential to a child's learning. Please call our office on the first day of a child's absence. If you do not contact us by phone, please send us a note explaining the absence on the day your child returns to school. We are funded by the state on the basis of each child's attendance and only accrue funding on the days he or she is either here or excused. Students may be excused only for the following reasons: illness, medical/dental appointment, death or funeral of an immediate family member. Contact your child's teacher for an independent study contract in case of an unavoidable absences lasting for five days or longer.School Lunches topSchool lunches are offered to first through fifth graders. The cost is $2.50 and includes milk. Milk can be purchased separately for 35 cents. Reduced price and free meals are available to children whose families meet federal guidelines. Applications are provided to all families in September and are then available in the office throughout the year.Lunch tickets must be ordered in strips of ten, or multiples of ten, for $25.00 each strip. Checks should be made payable to CVUSD. Please note your child's name and room number on the check. Parents are encouraged to buy lunch tickets in advance to avoid lost or forgotten money. Students who do not have money will be given a cheese sandwich, fruit, and milk. |